Dr. James T. Jesse has been delivering quality dental care to patients for almost 50 years. He is a Loma Linda native and completed his undergraduate studies at La Sierra University. 

Dr. James T. Jesse has been delivering quality dental care to patients for almost 50 years. He is a Loma Linda native and completed his undergraduate studies at La Sierra University. He then earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry in 1973. Over the past year, Dr. Jesse has slowed down to spend time with his 3 grandsons and recover from a total knee replacement! Before grandkids he spent years lecturing nationally and internationally on minimally invasive dentistry, laser therapy bio stimulation, endodontics, implants, laser dentistry, and dental facial esthetics. Although he has slowed down to spend more time with family, he continues to explore and advance new techniques in dentistry.

Dr. Jesse and his wife, Kay, have two daughters and are proud grandparents of Mason, Myles, and Maddox. When not practicing dentistry, Dr. Jesse enjoys logging in Oregon and waterskiing in Arkansas. Dr. Jesse has enjoyed every aspect of dentistry over the past 50 years, but treating tongue and lip ties has become his passion!


Dr. Jesse is known internationally as being an expert for treating infants who are tongue-tied and lip-tied. His youngest patient was 5 hours old and his oldest patient being 82 years old! There is no age limit on treating tongue and lip ties! Dr. Jesse uses laser surgery and local anesthetic to treat abnormal frenums, which eliminates the need for general anesthesia.
Mothers often have pain when breastfeeding and the baby has trouble latching. It is assumed that there is something wrong with mom, however, the baby could be tongue or lip tied. Some medical providers will tell you that tongue and lip ties do not inhibit successful nursing and that the ties will correct themselves over time. However, the opposite is true. Tongue and lip ties are not something your child will “grow out of” and they absolutely make breastfeeding difficult and sometimes impossible.


Should you have any questions, or would like information relating to a specific procedure, please contact us: